Laparoscopic view of the liver and large bowel in the right upper quadrant of the abdomenIdentification of the gallbladder underneath the liverLateral dissection of the gallbladder wall with a hook diathermyMedial dissection of the gallbladder wallGallbladder (cystic) duct clipped with a laparoscopic staplerInsertion of a small catheter in the cystic duct for the cholangiogramCystic duct and artery clipped before being divided with laparoscopic scissorsGallbladder dissected off the liver with hook diathermyGallbladder dissection completedCholangiogram showing contrast flowing into the small bowel
Doctors Assisting In South-Pacific Islands
Giant Paraeosophageal Hiatus Hernia Repair
Cousin Mesh Laparoscopy Left Inguinal Hernia Repair